Crémation Animaux RB Terms and Conditions online purchases

1. Product Information:

Each product offered on the site is the subject of a presentation indicating its name, its composition and its price.

The photographs and information of the products presented on the site are not contractual. In the event of discrepancies between these photographs and information and the product(s) chosen by the customer, Crémation Animaux RB cannot be held responsible.

2. Order process

We have representation agreements with several veterinarians in the region. They handle most cremation orders from pet owner clients. All orders must be validated and then confirmed by the customer with the veterinarian. Confirmation implies acceptance of the transaction and forms the sale. The veterinary representative, or Crémation Animaux RB, will provide the customer with a confirmation of the registered order, as well as the detailed invoice.

3. Modification – Cancellation – Substitutions

Orders are firm, final and not subject to modification or cancellation from receipt of the animal's body at the crematorium.

3.1. Modification and Addition by pet owner client

If the customer owner provides his email address to the veterinary representative, he will receive an email allowing him to add items to his order via a personalized link on the website. With this link, the owner pet owner customer can, if he wishes, add items to his order, and place his order electronically online.

4. Out of stock

Cremation Animaux RB cannot guarantee at all times the availability of each product offered on the site. In the event that an ordered item is out of stock, Crémation Animaux RB will contact the pet owner customer by email or telephone as soon as possible to inform them and replace the product with another equivalent in quality and price.

5. Prices and payment conditions

The orders placed with veterinary representatives must be paid directly to the them.

For changes made by pet owner customers using the online system, payment must be made by credit card, directly on site.

An invoice is automatically sent by email to the billing details provided by the pet owner customer.

5.1 Pricing

The total amount to be paid by the pet owner customer includes the price of the products. Prices are expressed in Canadian dollars. The applicable QST and GST rates are those in effect on the day of the order. The prices displayed on the sites are subject to revision depending on the price of the products available and economic conditions.

5.2 Payment Terms

Payments are made in Canadian dollars. Individual customers as well as legal entity customers must pay the amount of their online order modification by credit card, under the conditions detailed below.

Online payment by credit card:
The customer must indicate the number and expiry date of their card (Master card, VISA).
Payments made online by credit card will be made through the Global Payments service. The information transmitted is encrypted by software and no third party can become aware of it during transport on the network. The customer agrees to be charged the full amount due at the time of the order is placed.
The customer undertakes to personally use the bank card he holds. In the event of fraudulent use, Crémation Animaux RB cannot be held liable. In the case of insufficient funds, the order will be automatically canceled.

6. Shipping

All shipping occurs through the veterinary representative where the pet owner customer placed his cremation order.

7. Complaints


Any dispute regarding invoicing must be made within 8 days from the date of receipt of the invoice.
For any difficulty or additional information, do not hesitate to contact Crémation Animaux RB either by telephone or by email.

8. Cancellation policy

Given the animal body cremation service, no cancellations will be accepted once the animal's body has been collected by Cremation Animaux RB.
For any difficulty or additional information, do not hesitate to contact Crémation Animaux RB either by telephone or by email.

9. Liability

Unless there is clear and definite proof of fault on its part, Crémation Animaux RB cannot be held responsible for any damage which could result from the use of the Internet network, such as but not limited to, loss of data, intrusion, virus, suspension of the service, Fraudulent use of bank cards. Furthermore, Crémation Animaux RB cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the fault of the customer.

10. Force majeure

Cremation Animaux RB could be released from its obligations or suspend their execution if it found it impossible to assume them following a case of force majeure (war, riot, demonstrations, epidemic, exceptional climatic conditions, disaster affecting the facilities of its establishments, etc.), without this giving rise to any compensation.

11. Protection of personal information

The information collected on the site will be subject to computerized processing. It is intended for Crémation Animaux RB, for the purposes of management and processing of orders as well as commercial prospecting.

The customer has the right to access, rectify, oppose and delete his personal data. These rights can be exercised by contacting: “Crémation Animaux RB, 217 Saint-François-Xavier, Delson (Qc) J5B 1X8”

12. Modifications

Cremation Animaux RB reserves the right to modify its General Conditions of Sale at any time. In this case, the applicable conditions will be those in force on the date of the order by the customer.

13. Applicable law – Disputes

These General Conditions of Sale as well as all operations referred to therein are subject to Canadian law. In the event of a dispute, the customer will contact Crémation Animaux RB to find an amicable solution. Failing this, the case will be brought before the competent courts of Quebec.

14. Applicable law – Disputes

The texts, photographs, images and logos appearing on the site are the property of Crémation Animaux RB. Any reproduction, even partial, is prohibited.